Monday, October 25, 2010

Incredible Hulk

I've always had bigger arms. Even when I was at my peak of fitness, my biceps were 12". Good Irish Milkmaiden arms I tell myself! So, I've always had issues with sleeves being too tight. Last night I put on one of my favorite t-shirts to wear to bed. It's a bright green long one with the words Peace & Love on it. It's length always made me feel safe to bend over without flashing anyone my tattoo. Recently I accepted that this t-shirt had to make the transition from 'wearable in public' to 'wear only at home'. Unable to let it go, I cut the sleeves a bit to accommodate my newly chubbing arms & shoulders. Well, last night, out of comfort, I found myself hand ripping each sleeve even more to free the chub from it's constriction. I thought little of it until I was brushing my teeth in front of the bathroom mirror. Toothpaste foamed mouth and jiggling flab on my arms, I stared back at myself...I looked like the Incredible Hulk. There's always a first time, right?

During this last week in NYC I felt like I had lost weight, my jeans being baggier, although I have no idea what I weighed before I left. Who knows, maybe it's a fringe benefit of the steroid shot that I got for my allergies! People kept asking me if I had lost weight and I wasn't sure how to answer. Do you say, "I think I did"~pathetic, right? Or is it just that disease I have that makes people remember me fatter than I am so after a long absence, I always look thinner to them. Mind you...I've always had that disease, no matter how thin or big I was; it's a gift! : )


  1. Well if anything those little comments "Have you lost weight" should make you feel proud since you're actually working on that! I know I would be thrilled to hear that knowing how much work I'd be putting into it.

    Though I'm a little late to the party I started today with P90X (no money for a gym or trainer..sad pandas) and though it COMPLETELY kicked my butt this morning, it felt AMAZING.
    Here's hoping my enthusiasm for all of this doesn't wear off in the next few days.

    And keep up the great work, if needed I'm sure I can round of a bunch of Fangirls for support, they all love you!

  2. Good for you, Gaby!! I hear great things about the P90X!! I am enjoying the blog aspect of this journey, just so I can get the funny quips and observations out of my head and into the world! It helps and makes me giggle! Thanks for the support and let me know when you need a boost!!
