That being said, the show is helping me with cardio and breath support while dancing. During the break where I was too busy to work out with Chill I only gained 3 of the 15 pounds back. Not bad! It feels so good to be back working out with Chill!! He's so amazing and we have such great gut laughs along with the grunting and pushing! He's incorporated kickboxing into parts of the workout which kicks my ever lovin' ass! But, it's great! I am forcing myself to be patient as my body slowly adjusts to the KBox workout again. Because, when I am in the shape where I can really push myself and my limits in that workout, it makes me feel so empowered and satisfied! Patience, patience, patience!
Chill thought I was ready to get back into a class again so I joined him in a class and it was great! It was so nice to see Louie, who had been a fellow classmate with Mike Bell, years ago! Now he's the instructor! Good for him! He did a great job with the class. I tried to make sure I wasn't hitting or kicking too hard as I didn't want to injure myself like I had the last two times I went back to kickboxing. It felt so great to kick and punch and I really concentrated on form and technique as opposed to power for that class. Wellll.....I was sore that day, but by that next morning I felt like the honey badger had gotten a hold of me and given me a Cesarean section!! My muscles (you know those long diagonal muscles in the lower abs) were so sore and sensitive that I was having trouble even taking a poop!! And that wasn't hard pushing!!
Getting out of bed? Don't even talk about it! Getting up after sitting for long periods of time? Oy! Trying to find a waistband that wouldn't squish my swollen muscles in my down times? Forget about it! I kept searching for bruising or lumps...but nope, I had just "technique'd and form'd myself into a sore mess!!
After the 2nd day of sheer pain I got some relief. I had another appt. with Chill on the Tuesday and survived through the workout, including some kicks. By that next week's Monday, I was ready to take another kickboxing class. That was yesterday and I am sore, but not debilitated, thank goodness! And today I had another great workout with Chilly Willy! It's so fun to take KBox class with him too! It's like I get extra friend time! I don't know what fabulous thing I did in another lifetime, but I am so very, very lucky to have amazing friends like Chill!
Personally, it's nice to feel my muscles again, even the soreness. And seeing my ab definition just waiting to be chiseled out again is exciting and inspiring. I also bought a Food Saver so I can stop wasting veggies that I don't get a chance to cook or eat. Overall, I am doing a clean up in my life! Lose the weight, gain the strength, organize my finances, eat & drink the healthy balance. I need to make a vision board! I'll put that on my extensive list of things to do!!
I am also so very proud of my friend, Robin, who has been working out with Chill in preparation for her wedding! She was the most beautiful bride this past Saturday!! She had worked so hard and looked stunning in that dress!! Brava and thank you to Chill!! He is the BOMB!!!
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